Destination information

Finnoontie road splits the park into two parts. The east side has the most popular recreational routes from Suvela and Kuuriinniitty to Puolarmetsä, Olari and Henttaa. The most important route in the section to the west of Finnoontie road runs between Vanttila and Latokaski.

The majority of the park is bilberry-rich coniferous forest and drier rocky pine forests and outcrops with pinelands and lush herb-rich groves and boreal forests appearing in between.

In addition to providing nature experiences, Espoo Central Park invites people to take part in outdoor activities and recreation. The landscape is well-suited to walking, jogging, cycling, cross-country skiing and orienteering. In the autumn, you can take the whole family for a mushroom and berry picking expedition. 

There are also tracks for mountain biking. Remember to take into consideration the other park users.

In the winter, there are cross-country skiing tracks along many of the recreational paths and routes, some of which are lit.


Espoo Central Park has several recreational routes and leisure tracks.

Nature trail Tikankierros 3 km

Tikankierros in Espoo Central Park is approximately 3 km long, and you can easily choose to walk just some of the route. The nature trail is signposted. The Tikankierros trail follows old forest paths and is in places difficult. However, there are duckboards to facilitate walking in wetter areas.


The services in the area are not accessible but the recreational routes are easy to walk. The nature trail, however, is more difficult in places.

Additional information

There are also fixed orienteering control points in Espoo Central Park.