4.2 hectare
Nautical Chart Folio
A 625
information board, cooking shelters, rest spot, dry toilets, mooring rings
Kalliosaari is close to Kallahdenniemi in eastern Helsinki. The island is 350 metres long and the terrain varies from rocky pine dominated forests to lusher areas. The north end of the island is 19 metres above the sea level and visitors are treated to spectacular views of the urban and natural landscapes that surround the island from the top of the cliffs. The northern and western areas of the island are very rocky, whereas the east of the island is flatter and even offers a sandy beach for a sunny morning swim.
Kalliosaari is a great destination for a paddling trip, especially for beginners, due to its sheltered location and the short distance from the mainland. If the sea ice is safe to walk on in the winter months, Kalliosaari is reachable on foot, skis or skates.
Making a fire is permitted only at marked campfire sites, and only when a wildfire warning is not in place. When a warning is in place, no fires are permitted.
Dogs and other pets must be kept on a leash.
Kalliosaari is close to Kallahdenniemi in eastern Helsinki. The island is 350 metres long and the terrain varies from rocky pine dominated forests to lusher areas. The north end of the island is 19 metres above the sea level and visitors are treated to spectacular views of the urban and natural landscapes that surround the island from the top of the cliffs. The northern and western areas of the island are very rocky, whereas the east of the island is flatter and even offers a sandy beach for a sunny morning swim.
Kalliosaari is a great destination for a paddling trip, especially for beginners, due to its sheltered location and the short distance from the mainland. If the sea ice is safe to walk on in the winter months, Kalliosaari is reachable on foot, skis or skates.
Destination information
The Kalliosaari shoreline is rocky and boaters must be careful when mooring. There are mooring rings around the island making it easy to land your boat no matter the wind direction.
There are two cooking shelters on Kalliosaari one on the middle flat area of the island and the other on the rocky northern end of the island. There is also a picnic table and benches on the north-western side of the island.
The nearby islands of Kallioluoto and Kalliosaarenluoto are nature conservation areas and landing is prohibited between 1st April and 15th August.
The area is not unobstructed due to its topography and rough terrain.