Destination information

Lappohjanranta is located in between Hanko and Tammisaari, 1.6 kilometres south from road number 25. The Lappohja railway station and bus stop are only 1.3 kilometres from the beach. The Uuvi recreation area boasts over 1 kilometre of beach.

The beach is shallow and there are even underwater sandbanks. This means that landing is only possible with small boats with shallow draughts. The water depth increases suddenly after approximately 100 metres to depths of up to 15 metres.

The habitat in Lappohjanranta consists of the coastal dunes typical of the Hanko cape. The outdoor recreation area spans the sandy beach and dry boreal forest. The roots of the area’s old pines have long-since anchored themselves in the steep banks beside the shoreline. Over time, the roots have become exposed thanks to the impact of the fine-grained sand.

There are stairs down to the beach from the steep bank. Visitors are not permitted to climb up or down the steep bank in order to prevent erosion. Lappohjanranta is part of the Natura 2000 nature conservation network and is home to an impressive array of natural treasures.

There is no winter maintenance on the area.


Area is flat and there is easy to move. Tracks are wide and have hard surface, but the beach sand is soft. There are two steep stairs to the beach. One of the stairs have ramp, which make the moving for example with strollers easier.

Additional information

The Hanko cape, including Lappohja village, was leased to the Soviet Union during the truce of 1940-1941. Remnants of that time can still be found in the Uuvi recreation area, including the east-western tank trench, infantry trenches, vehicle bunkers, wells, and underground barracks. For visitors interested in learning more about that era, the Rintamamuseo museum is a must. The museum is situated on the northern side of road number 25 in Lappohja.