information boards, dry toilets
The environment has had a chance to gradually develop on Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari islands over the decades after their military use and before being opened to the public. Now the rich flora and fauna on the islands flourish, which tells about successful coexistence between people and wildlife.
The islands’ wildflower meadows charm both the visitors and locals, in other words, the butterflies. The small and large deciduous trees offer nesting places for four-legged and winged creatures from badgers to bats and nightingales to eagle owls. The highest spots on Vallisaari offer magnificent views over the sea and to the adjacent Suomenlinna fortress island as well as across the whole of Helsinki.
Area maintainer homepage: Metsähallitus
Making a fire and digging are prohibited due to safety risks.
Camping is prohibited.
Dogs and other pets must be kept on a leash.
Area maintainer homepage: Metsähallitus
The environment has had a chance to gradually develop on Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari islands over the decades after their military use and before being opened to the public. Now the rich flora and fauna on the islands flourish, which tells about successful coexistence between people and wildlife.
The islands’ wildflower meadows charm both the visitors and locals, in other words, the butterflies. The small and large deciduous trees offer nesting places for four-legged and winged creatures from badgers to bats and nightingales to eagle owls. The highest spots on Vallisaari offer magnificent views over the sea and to the adjacent Suomenlinna fortress island as well as across the whole of Helsinki.
Destination information
Visitors on the islands of Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari must follow the routes. Outside the routes, there are cliffs and crumbling structures as well as explosives left in the ground after an ammunition explosion on the island in 1937. The southern part of Vallisaari is closed off and out of bounds for security reasons. Landing your boat or canoe in the closed-off area is prohibited under penalty.
Suitable places for landing a canoe include the sandy coves near the Torpedo Bay visitor harbour or Vallisaari’s Pilot Pier and Luotsitalo pilot house.
You can land a boat at the Torpedo Bay visitor harbour, which is subject to a charge.
The timetable for the regular ferry.
The rules and regulations for Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari.
It is also important to check any up-to-date notices regarding Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari before heading there on an outing.
Kuninkaansaari trail
Route is 2.5 km long. There are info boards along the route.
Aleksanteri trail
The 3-km route goes around Vallisaari. There are info boards along the route.
Vallisaari is not an accessible destination. The routes in the area are easy to walk, but there are significant elevation differences and steep climbs. The dry toilet next to the main jetty at Luotsitalo pilot house is wheelchair friendly.
Additional information
The Citynature website tells extensively about Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari.